- No manual record when phase in this system.
- Key-in all the raw material information by Scanner.
- On-line monitor checking and SPC graph report on web.
- To prevent the problem of choosing the wrong screw head.
- Mod bus communication and support series connection more than 1 Box Socket tray/ 1 Controller.
- Easy to configuration the step of socket sequence Via Web browser.
- Control Assembly Process and Guide operator for work on job sequence.
- Record data from assembly line for each Station.
- Can connect with all Brand for Tightening tools.
- To Reduce paper usage through Electronic Signatures.
- To review and reponse the document control Via Web browser.
- Temperature, Humidity and Particle counter.
- Pressure drop and Power consumption.
- Full automatically and High Availability.
- To display the plan and actual of Prodution Line.
- To connect on LAN and Wireless(Optional).
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